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Can I get a DUI if I am driving while under the influence of medications prescribed to me?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

This is a complicated question. There are definitely medications that have warning labels such as “Don’t operate heavy machinery” or that say it could make you dizzy or impair your judgment. Any medications that contain warnings such as those can definitely impact driving. It’s best not to drive while taking those medications. However, it is sometimes impossible not to drive while on prescribed medication, if you have to take them every day or even multiple times a day. It’s best to talk to your doctor about the effects the medication has on you, and see what they recommend. There was an interesting article published a few years ago in the New York Times on this subject, and it basically concluded that although people are getting charged with DUI’s because of prescription medication, it is hard to convict them of a crime.