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I’ve heard that medical marijuana can help with pain management. What exactly does it do to relieve pain?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Before you attempt to use medical marijuana for pain management, make sure you know the laws surrounding it in your state. In the U.S. 25 states have legalized medical marijuana and several have legalized it for recreational purposes, but it remains completely illegally at the federal level. This means if you are not in a state with legal medical marijuana, you are breaking the law.

With that said, many studies show that medical marijuana can relieve pain because it alters the way the nerves function. Some have even researched the best strains for treating pain. Exactly how medical marijuana impacts the brain can be complicated, but to put it simply, marijuana slows the receptors in your brain that feel pain, and it increases other feelings such as euphoria.