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My husband and I are looking to join a retirement community some place warm. Where are the best places to retire in the U.S.?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

A warm place to retire sounds wonderful. There are a bunch of articles out there that highlight the best places for retirement all across the country. But, if you’d like to head south, some suggestions include cities in Tennessee, South Carolina and of course Florida.

Franklin, TN is great for history buffs, because of its cute main street and civil war historical sites. Charleston is also suggested because of its rich history, as well as the fact that medical costs tend to be lower. Sarasota, FL has its obvious reasons – its next to the Gulf of Mexico, it’s warm and it’s beautiful. It also is rich in art museums, live music, and beautiful garden tours.

You could also head west for warmth. If you have your heart set on beach days, there’s California. Glendale is suggested because of its low crime rates. Plus, it’s only a half hour drive to famous beaches like Santa Monica!

If you can do without ocean and sand, check out Scottsdale, AZ. Dry heat can be better for arthritis, and Scottsdale has beautiful desert views, hiking options, and it’s close to the larger city of Phoenix.