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My mom has dementia and sometimes she will bathe with no fuss but other times, she just flat out refuses. It doesn't matter whether it is day or night. How can I get her to bathe easier?!
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

I'm sorry you're having some struggles getting your mother clean! There are many different reasons why your mother may not want to bathe. It could be due to dementia symptoms but it could also be because she is embarrassed you have to bathe her or because she has trouble getting in or out of the bath. 

Try to keep your mother on a bathing schedule. Routines are especially helpful for caring for seniors with dementia. Also how often are you bathing your mother? Depending on her lifestyle it may be too much. Seniors have much drier skin, and typically less active lifestyles than other adults, so they may not need a full bath or shower daily.

Try to keep the environment peaceful. Play some of your mother's favorite tunes or sounds from nature to help soothe her. Keep conversations casual in an attempt to keep your mother from feeling embarrassed. Also, let your mother do as much of the self-care that she is able. Even if it takes her longer, it allows your mother to maintain independence and dignity.