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What are some travel necessities I can pack for my senior when we embark on a road trip?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Great question! Traveling with your elderly loved one can be quite a task, but as long as you are prepared, the trip should run smoothly and you should both be able to enjoy it. First and foremost, pack the health necessities. This means a first-aid kit as well as all of your senior's medications. Both of these play an important role on your trip. Next, try to map out bathroom breaks for your loved one. Long trips can be tough on the bladder, so make sure you stop every so often so your loved one can use the restroom. Finally, make sure to pack healthy snacks and any music or games your senior might enjoy. Spending quality time through a road trip can be a great bonding experience for everyone involved.