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I've been taking antidepressants for a few months and I'm finally starting to feel better; Is it okay to stop taking my medicine?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

No, I would not suggest for you to stop taking your antidepressants without talking with your doctor. I know that you may be feeling better after a couple months on antidepressants, but in most cases, it is the medication that is contributing to your mood change. However, if you feel that you are ready to be off your antidepressants, talk with your doctor to create a plan for weaning off of your medicine.

The reason you need to slowly wean yourself off of your antidepressants is because quitting cold turkey can have devastating side effects. You may experience major withdrawal symptoms that can set your treatment back weeks or even months. Also, your doctor has probably balanced your antidepressants with the other medications you may be taking.

I'm glad you're feeling better! But be sure to talk with your doctor before you quit your medicine so you can continue to feel better for years to come.