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I'm looking to find a professional caregiving service to allocate a little more time for my own errands, work, etc. How can I be sure that my loved one will be safe in their care?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Placing your loved one in adult day care services will help you free up some hours during your day. These centers can provide the level of care and supervision your senior needs while you have a little more time to yourself.

You can also consider home care by hiring a private caregiver or working with a home care agency. Home care will ensure that your senior gets to remain in their familiar surroundings and still receive the care and supervision that they need.

Make sure before hiring a caregiver or taking your senior to an adult day care center, you do your research and take a tour of the facility. If you hire a private caregiver, you will need to vet them to be sure that they are who they say they are. If you go through a home care agency, they will verify the identification of caregivers for you.