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Who can help me improve the safety of my home?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

There are different options for people that can help improve the safety of your home. The first would be family, friends, or loved ones. They may be especially helpful with understanding any safety precautions since they know the property and its potential hazards. They may also willing to help install anything that you need.

Your doctor or other medical professionals that you work with will probably be able to point out some areas that could be problems. They will most likely not come visit your home, but they can make suggestions that could keep you safe by reducing your chance of falling or another injury.  

If you are currently utilizing home care or personal care services, they should also be able to help with the safety of your home. They will come to your house so they can see first hand what any potential problems could be based on their expertise.

If remaining in your home is important to you, then improving its safety should be a priority.