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Why do I need to make my home safer?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Age, medications, and health factors all influence your physical ability to avoid falls, so there becomes a time when actions need to be taken to make sure that your living situation is still safe.

With age, comes a higher chance of falling. Six out of every ten senior falls occur at home, and 48% of home accidents could have been prevented by simple home safety modifications.

If you are living in your home now, there is a good chance that you want to stay there. Making your home safe now can allow you to remain in the best environment possible. With some simple safety measures in place, there is less of a chance that something will happen to you, whether it is a fall or other type of injury. Falls can quickly reduce someone's ability to be independent, so taking the steps to prevent them is key.