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Is it really necessary for a sexually active senior to still use protection?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Yes! Older adults need to be using condoms and other forms of protection. Many older adults were only concerned with unwanted pregnancies when coming of age in the baby boomer generation. After menopause, adults are forgoing protection believing it is unnecessary.

However, the modern world is filled with sexually transmitted diseases. STD’s are not diseases defined by age. Sexually active adults should be open to communication about sexually transmitted diseases and the possibility of being tested. Research has found sexually active adults over 50 are 80 percent less likely to be tested, although they are still at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Myths about older adult sexual activity perpetuate that sexual activity abruptly ends at a vague age over 50. Therefore, it is increasingly important to open discussions about STD’s with your partner and your doctor to be fully aware of risks.