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Am I at risk for a broken hip?
Moderator SeniorCaring
1 answer
Moderator SeniorCaring

Age (usually 65 and up) is the single most common factor for hip injuries and fractures. As we age, the strength and density of our bones may deteriorate as a result of osteoporosis and a lack of proper nutrition. Advanced age also often brings vision and coordination issues, heightening the risk of falling you in everyday environments. 

Malnutrition is also a contributing risk factor, even beyond our bone health. Lacking the appropriate vitamins and nutrients such as protein, vitamin D, and calcium, seniors can be more prone to fractures and other conditions. Otherwise, it has been found that Asian and Caucasian people are at the highest risk of developing osteoporosis and therefore experiencing a fracture.

Lowering your risk factors can help you prevent hip fractures.