Ways to Manage Incontinence Without Surgery

Aug 10, 2016

Ways to Manage Incontinence Without Surgery

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It’s never easy getting older.  Grey hair, aching joints, attempting to keep up with the latest technology product, that will most likely be obsolete in a month.  Whether we like it or not, it’s inevitable, and can certainly be more than a challenge.  However, one issue in particular regarding old age may be more common than most people would expect, or care to admit - Incontinence.

Perhaps you or someone you know is affected, but keep it a secret or are reluctant to seek further help out of embarrassment.  Just know that you are far from being alone and there are solutions that may help.  

What is Incontinence?

Medically defined, incontinence is an involuntary lack of control of bladder or bowel functions and can range in cause and severity.  Despite the misconception that only the elderly suffer from incontinence, it can affect people of all ages and backgrounds.  However, it is the elderly, who are most commonly affected.

Types and Causes of Incontinence

While not necessarily considered a disease, but rather a result of something being “off” with the body, it is still highly recommended to see a doctor to rule out any potentially more serious underlying issues.  Medications, smoking, obesity, pregnancy, and diabetes are only a few of the causes of an individual’s incontinence.  Properly diagnosing the type of incontinence is key in finding the root cause and helps in determining treatment options and managing daily routines.  Here are 2 of the most common types of incontinence:


Not the kind that you feel at work or during the Holidays, but the physical kind associated with an increase of stress that puts pressure on the abdomen and bladder, resulting in accidental urine or fecal loss.  Coughing, heavy lifting, sex and even laughing can all be triggers.


As the name implies, this form of incontinence is characterized by a sudden, intense urge to urinate, even after the bladder was recently emptied.  This may result in frequent trips to the bathroom throughout the day and night.

Solutions to Incontinence 

While it may be an embarrassing and frustrating situation, being incontinent doesn’t mean putting the brakes on what you enjoy doing.  Remember that this is a very common condition and has been around for quite a while, so there are more than a few treatment and management options available.  Some of these options include:

Adult absorbent products, more commonly referred to as “adult diapers,” are arguably the most commonly known and widely used method of quick-fix incontinence management.  The added benefit of ordering online provides easy access and a wide selection while maintaining anonymity.

Behavior and lifestyle changes are a way of taking a more proactive approach to managing yourself and can be surprisingly effective.  Bladder control and fluid intake training can help reduce discomfort and the risk of accidents, while physical therapy exercises, good dietary habits, and avoiding irritants like caffeine and alcohol can decrease severity.

Other available options range from the use of medications and medical devices to homeopathic therapies like acupuncture and even surgery.

So yeah, getting old isn’t easy, but what in life is?  Incontinence can be a difficult subject matter and might make things a little more challenging, but isn’t something that should drastically change your outlook on life.  With support groups, products and information resources available at the click of a mouse, there’s no reason why incontinence should keep you immobile.

Ways to Manage Incontinence Without Surgery
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