Warning Signs of Diabetes and How to Manage Diabetes Type 2

Oct 23, 2017

Warning Signs of Diabetes and How to Manage Diabetes Type 2

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If you have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, know that you are not alone. More than 30 million Americans have diabetes. As for Americans who are 65 years of age and older, about 25 percent have diabetes. Being diagnosed with diabetes means that your body is no longer using insulin, which controls your sugar levels, properly. Since unmanaged diabetes can be dangerous, it is important for newly diagnosed diabetic patients to know the warning signs of diabetes and how to manage diabetes type 2. Although managing diabetes type 2 most likely means drastic changes to your eating habits and lifestyle, in the end it will help you maintain your quality of life despite your diagnosis. Here is a guide to get you started on managing your medical care as a diabetic.

Warning Signs of Diabetes 

Since you have already been diagnosed with diabetes, you are probably familiar with at least some of the warning signs of diabetes, such as extreme thirst, dry mouth, frequent urination, irritable behavior, blurred vision, and itchy skin. However, once you start managing your diabetes you should start to feel better. Another important thing to be aware of is the symptoms of diabetic shock. This can happen if your insulin levels get too high or too low. In this situation, you could faint, go into a coma, or even die, so it’s critical to pay attention to these warning signs of diabetes. Symptoms of diabetic shock include:

  • Dizziness
  • Moodiness or sudden changes in behavior
  • Hunger
  • Shakiness
  • Sweating
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Poor coordination

If you feel any of these symptoms you should check your blood sugar right away to see if it is too low. If it is, seek emergency care.

How to Manage Diabetes Type 2

Now that you are aware of the warning signs of diabetes and diabetic shock, next up is how to manage diabetes type 2. There are lots of things you can do that will help keep your diabetes in check. Here are four suggestions for how to manage diabetes type 2.

1.     Find weight-loss activities

First and foremost, it’s important to be active every day and to focus on losing weight. Since being overweight is one of the major drivers of a diabetes diagnosis, it’s very important to focus on losing weight as part of your care management plan. You can do this by finding some kind of physical activity that you enjoy doing for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Don’t forget to check your blood sugar levels before and after physical activity to make sure they are still within a healthy range. To know where your blood sugar levels should be, consult your doctor.

2.     Surround yourself with support

Having a support system is really important as you go through the process of changing your lifestyle habits. For example, it is difficult to avoid sweets if your family is constantly bringing ice cream and chocolate cake to every gathering, or if your friends are drinking alcohol when you get together. These things in moderation are ok when diabetes is being managed properly, but it is best to surround yourself with people who are understanding of your disease and want to help you live with it as healthy as possible.

3.     Change up what you eat

Changing your diet is probably the hardest part, for most people, about managing diabetes. Basically, you should avoid carbohydrates as much as possible and focus on eating things that are low in sugar. Some basic tips include eating around the same time every day, not skipping meals, and making sure that when you eat, you have a balanced meal. The key is to a healthy diet is to intake food with lower saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. You can still eat sweets in moderation, but you want to focus on treating yourself less frequently and with smaller portions.

4.     Manage your medical care

If you haven’t caught on after reading these other paragraphs, it is very important to check your blood sugar levels. Managing your medical care with a physician is the best way for how to manage diabetes type 2. Depending on the extremity of your diabetes, you may also be prescribed medication as part of the care plan.

If you want to learn more about the warning signs of diabetes, you can find additional diabetes resources under health conditions at SeniorCaring.com.

Warning Signs of Diabetes and How to Manage Diabetes Type 2
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